Saturday, March 10, 2012

Social Ad Success

I recently found this article online about a man  named Jim Olenbush, a real estate agent in Austin Texas. One morning this man was reading his newspaper and saw an article saying many Mexican families are fleeing to the USA as of late. He immediately used this news to his advantage and took out an ad on Facebook for his real estate business. As a result he netted 1.1 million in sales for his real estate firm as a direct result of his Facebook advertising and all it took was a mere $400 dollars spent on ads.

The popularity of social networks is having a very dramatic impact on the business world. Initially, social networks were just a way to stay in touch with people from a distance, but as of late they have become a modern marketing marvel. The majority of people in the United States is on Facebook along with the rest of the world. Firms can now determine their target market through social networking. Jim Olenbush took out an ad for real estate in Austin, Texas because of what he read in the newspaper. He anticipated his target market and absolutely nailed it. Personally, I've never paid much attention to the advertisements that go up on social networks, but if Jim here can do it so easily, whats the chance of paper-based marketing becoming a declining method in business? And what effect would that have on how we do business?

Here is the link for the article I read: 

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